Pie.ai Unblocked

Hey guys not perfect puppy today we are playing PI dot AI which is a new IO game but instead of PI dot IO it's PI dot a I, so let's just get right into the game firstly let's choose our character which one.

Do I like hmm oh I like this looks a bit like a bunny I think it's mommy here hey I'm nickname is, going to be okay some of the cray cray as always let me just see if that gets smaller no it doesn't just like um so today we know some reasons the one, you like okay I'll be back in a, second let me just work this out okay I'm back and I just worked out that, the other one was I think had to pay a little bit of the coins that you earned in this game so maybe forget some more coins I don't really know how, you get going but if we get some more then, I guess might be able to get that one but now I've chosen this one this cute pink polka-dotted one okay.

That's what okay okay yeah so basically just jump around and we can eat anything and we can also eat other people and seriously not, very good at this game cuz you can see the little wait a minute all these, little bones come and drop oh oh and yeah we die here we got jammed. Not very good but we'll just keep playing and we'll see how we go so I think this is just load there we go wait yeah save a little bombs I just came down to drop. Stuff oh let's see you can we eat this yes we can all go. In the hole there i/o is going oh. That was lucky we got little fella whoo now jumping in okay back jumping that's fine for me lightly I'll be get another patella or maybe we can get a key or something because why not oh.

Damn it yeah good another wall okay these things really save your life okay I shouldn't have done that we don't hunt patella, what oh that didn't last. Very long I really want to get to one of these flags oh no no no no no no find, ahem oh I know I know I just thought I'd get on it I'll see if I can find a little bit things I really, want to take one of these pictures yum yum yum. I just made up what I was like whoa that was okay that that put my health oh okay I know this was an extremely short video but I think you just. Have to end it here because I have to go but we'll continue on this game not later bye .